How to Turn off Reposts on Bluesky In 5 Easy Steps

Tired of seeing the same posts on Bluesky over and over again? It's like that one friend who keeps telling the same joke at every party. Well, get ready to become the DJ of your Bluesky feed and switch off those repetitive reposts. Discover how to turn off reposts on Bluesky. Let's kick the déjà vu to the curb and make your Bluesky experience as fresh as grandma's famous cookies!

How to turn off reposts on Bluesky

What is reposting on Bluesky?

Reposting on Bluesky is the act of sharing another user's post with your own followers. This can be done by clicking the "Repost" button on the post that you want to share. 

The Bluesky reposts feature was introduced in 2022. It allows users to share other users' posts with their own followers. This feature was designed to make it easier for users to share content that they find interesting or informative with their friends and family.


The Bluesky reposts has been met with mixed reactions from users. 

  1. No option to select a particular user or category of post which you want to turn off reposts.
  2. Turning off reposts will hide all reposts from all users.
  3. Some users have praised the feature for making it easier to share content, while others have criticized the feature for making it easier for misinformation and disinformation to spread.

My thoughts: It is still too early to say what the long-term impact of the Bluesky reposts feature will be. However, it is clear that the feature has the potential to change the way that people use social media.

Benefits of Bluesky Reposts

Here are some of the key benefits and drawbacks of the Bluesky reposts:

  • Easier to share content with followers
  • Can help to raise awareness about important issues or causes
  • Can be used to support friends and colleagues by sharing their content


  • Can make it easier for misinformation and disinformation to spread
  • Can be annoying to followers if reposting is done too often
  • Can lead to copyright and trademark infringement if content is reposted without the permission of the owner

The Bluesky reposts is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for bad. It is important for users to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of the feature before using it.

When you repost on Bluesky, it will appear in your own feed and will also be shared with your followers. Before we see how to turn off reposts on Bluesky, let's see how to turn it on first. 

Can I turn off reposts on Bluesky?

Yes, you can turn off reposts on Bluesky. The only issue here is that you can't select which posts or user to turn off reposts on Bluesky. I mean there's no option for users to choose which reposts to turn off, and you can't either chose which reposts, either by your friends or other Bluesky users should appear on your feed.

Turning off Reposts on Bluesky will automatically hide all kinds of reposts from your feed.

What if you don't want all feed to be hidden? 

As it stands now, trying to turn off reposts will automatically turn off everything that has to do with reposts on Bluesky, that's what I don't like about this feature, till it's modified to give users options to select which repost to turn off. 

Now, we proceed to how you can turn off reposts on Bluesky.

Need a little help? See how to schedule posts on Bluesky.

How to turn off reposts on Bluesky

Here's how you can turn off reposts on Bluesky. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to your Bluesky account via App
  2. Go to your profile homepage
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Home Feed Preferences
  5. Toggle the button to "No" to turn off reposts

Be informed that toggling this button to "No" means that you have turned off ALL reposts on Bluesky and won't be able to see any repost on your feed. 

But what if you later changed your mind? You can turn on repost on Bluesky. Here's how:

How to turn on repost on Bluesky

Bluesky reposting is quite easy to do. To turn on repost on Bluesky, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Bluesky account via App
  2. Go to your profile homepage
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Home Feed Preferences
  5. Toggle the button to "Yes" to turn on reposts

Can I chose which Reposts to turn off on Bluesky?

Currently, there is no way to choose which reposts to turn off on Bluesky. This is because Bluesky is a federated social network, which means that it is made up of a network of independent servers. Each server has its own policies on reposts, and there is no central authority that can enforce a global policy.

However, there are a few things you can do to reduce the number of reposts that you see on Bluesky:

  • Mute users who repost content that you don't want to see. Need a little help? Here's how to mute someone on Bluesky.
  • Block users who frequently repost content that you find harmful or offensive. Need a little help? Here's how to block someone on Bluesky.
  • Use a third-party Bluesky client that allows you to filter out reposts.

If you are a Bluesky server operator, you can also implement your own policy on reposts. For example, you could choose to only allow reposts from users who are following the original author of the post.

Bluesky is still under development, and it is possible that the ability to choose which reposts to turn off will be added in the future. However, for now, the methods described above are the best way to reduce the number of reposts that you see on Bluesky.

Why would you repost on Bluesky?

  • There are many reasons why you might want to repost on Bluesky. Here are a few examples:
  • To share a post that you found interesting or informative with your own followers.
  • To support a friend or colleague by sharing their post.
  • To raise awareness about an important issue or cause.
  • To promote your own content or business.

Things to keep in mind when reposting on Bluesky

  • When reposting on Bluesky, it is important to keep the following things in mind:
  • Always give credit to the original author of the post.
  • Do not repost content that is copyrighted or trademarked without the permission of the owner.
  • Do not repost content that is harmful or offensive.
  • Be mindful of how many times you repost content. Reposting too often can be annoying to your followers.


Reposting is a great way to share content with your followers and support other users on Bluesky. However, it is important to be mindful of how you repost and to give credit to the original authors of the posts that you share.

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