How to Clear your X History

How to Clear your X History
mobile phone with the X app open

Your X history is a record of all your searches, likes, and retweets. While it can be helpful to keep track of your past activity, it can also be embarrassing or even incriminating. If you want to clear your X history, here are some simple steps you can follow.

Clearing Your X History on a Computer

  1. Log in to your X account.
  2. Click on the search bar in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear with a list of your recent searches.
  4. Click on the "Clear all" button at the top of the menu.
  5. Your search history will be deleted.

Clearing Your X History on a Mobile Device

How to Clear your X History
search bar in X with a 'Clear all' button
  1. Open the X app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Tap on the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
  3. A list of your recent searches will appear.
  4. To delete an individual search, swipe it to the left and tap on the "Delete" button.
  5. To clear your entire search history, tap on the "X" icon next to the search bar.
  6. Tap on the "Clear" button to confirm.
  7. Your search history will be deleted.

Additional Tips

  • You can also clear your X history by using a third-party app or website. There are a number of these apps available, but some of the most popular ones include TweetDelete and Circleboom.
  • If you are concerned about privacy, you can also disable X's personalized suggestions. To do this, go to Settings and Privacy > Privacy and safety > Personalized suggestions.
  • Finally, it is important to remember that even if you delete your X history, it may still be available to law enforcement or other third parties.

FAQs on How to Clear your X History

FAQ 1: How can I clear my X history?

How to Clear your X History
person clicking on the 'Settings and Privacy' option on X

There are two ways to clear your X history:

  • Clear your search history: To clear your search history, go to the search bar on X and click on the "Clear all" button. 
  • Clear your likes and retweets: To clear your likes and retweets, go to your profile and click on the "Likes & Retweets" tab. Then, click on the "Clear all" button next to each tweet. 

FAQ 2: How can I clear my X history on a mobile device?

To clear your X history on a mobile device, follow these steps:

  • Open the X app.
  • Tap on the magnifying glass icon in the search bar.
  • A list of your recent searches will appear.
  • Tap on the "X" icon next to the search bar.
  • Tap on the "Clear" button.
  • Your search history will be deleted.

FAQ 3: How can I clear my X history using a third-party app?

How can I clear my X history using a third-party app
thirdparty app logo

  • There are a number of third-party apps available that can help you clear your X history. Some of the most popular apps include TweetDelete and Circleboom.

FAQ 4: What is the difference between clearing my X history and disabling personalized suggestions?

  • Clearing your X history will delete your search history, likes, and retweets. Disabling personalized suggestions will prevent X from showing you suggested tweets and accounts based on your past activity.

FAQ 5: Why should I clear my X history?

  • There are a number of reasons why you might want to clear your X history. For example, you might want to protect your privacy, avoid seeing embarrassing tweets from your past, or start fresh with a new X account.

FAQ 6: How often should I clear my X history?

  • There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It really depends on how often you use X and how comfortable you are with your past activity being visible to others.

FAQ 7: Will clearing my X history delete my tweets?

  • No, clearing your X history will not delete your tweets. Your tweets will still be visible to others, even if you have cleared your history.

FAQ 8: Can I recover my X history after I have deleted it?

  • No, once you have deleted your X history, it is gone for good. There is no way to recover it.

FAQ 9: What are some other ways to protect my privacy on X?

In addition to clearing your X history, there are a number of other things you can do to protect your privacy on X. For example, you can:

  • Make your account private.
  • Disable tweet location.
  • Review your privacy settings regularly.

FAQ 10: What are some of the risks of not clearing my X history?

  • Not clearing your X history could make you more vulnerable to identity theft, cyber-bullying, and other online threats. It could also make it difficult to get a job or find housing.

FAQ 11: Is it safe to use a third-party app to clear my X history?

  • Yes, it is safe to use a third-party app to clear your X history. However, it is important to choose a reputable app from a trusted developer.

FAQ 12: What should I do if I have any other questions about clearing my X history?

  • You can contact X support for help. They will be able to answer any questions you have and provide you with more information.

FAQ 13: What are some additional tips for clearing my X history?

  • Clear your X history regularly.
  • Be careful about what you tweet.
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Be aware of the risks of online activity.

FAQ 14: What are some resources that can help me learn more about X privacy?

  • X's Privacy Center:
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation:
  • Center for Digital Democracy:

FAQ 15: How can I clear my X history through a web browser?

To clear your X history through a web browser, follow these steps:

  • Visit and log in to your account.
  • Click on the search bar in the top right corner of the screen.
  • A drop-down menu will appear with a list of your recent searches.
  • Click on the "Clear all" button at the top of the menu.
  • Your search history will be deleted.

FAQ 16: Can I clear my X history for a specific period of time?

  • Currently, X does not provide a direct option to clear your history for a specific period of time. However, you can manually delete individual searches or retweets from a specific time period.

FAQ 17: How can I prevent X from saving my search history in the first place?

  • You can prevent X from saving your search history by clearing your history regularly or disabling personalized suggestions. To disable personalized suggestions, go to Settings and Privacy > Privacy and safety > Personalized suggestions.

FAQ 18: What happens if I clear my X history and then regret it?

  • Once you have deleted your X history, there is no way to recover it. It is important to be sure that you want to delete your history before you do so.

FAQ 19: How can I stay anonymous on X?

In addition to clearing your X history, there are a few other things you can do to stay anonymous on X:

  • Use a pseudonymous or anonymous username.
  • Avoid sharing personal information in your tweets or profile.
  • Disable location tracking for your tweets.
  • Be selective about who you follow and who follows you.
  • It is important to remember that even if you take steps to protect your privacy on X, your tweets may still be visible to others.


Clearing your X history is a simple process that can help you protect your privacy. By following the steps above, you can easily delete your search history and other activity on X. Please note that these steps may change as X updates its platform. I hope this blog post was helpful.

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