How To Use Vigoplace - A New Social Media

Learn how to use Vigoplace, the innovative social media platform designed exclusively for business owners and content creators. In this article, you'll know what is Vigoplace, its features, pros, cons and more.
Vigoplace review

We're here to give you a detailed overview of a new business social media platform called VIGOPLACE, for shop owners, content creators, and property managers. Vigoplace has a simple and easy-to-use design with many useful tools. It's like having Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, Patreon, and AirBnB all in one place! We'll cover everything you need to know about Vigoplace, including its features, privacy, content sharing and moderation, pros and cons. Let's get started!


As an avid user of Vigoplace, I am thrilled to share my experience with this innovative business social media platform. Vigoplace seamlessly integrates multiple business tools, catering to shop owners, content creators, property owners, and various other businesses. Combining the functionalities of Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, Patreon, and AirBnB into one user-friendly app, Vigoplace promises to revolutionize social media platforms.

What is Vigoplace?

Vigoplace is a social media platform for businesses. It has tools for shops, content creators, and property owners to do business. It combines features from Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, Patreon, and AirBnB. Businesses can show their products, connect with customers, and make transactions easily. Vigoplace is easy to use, keeps things private, and focuses on security. It wants to change how businesses use social media and succeed online.

User Interface and Navigation

Vigoplace has a simple and easy-to-use design, so it's easy to find your way around. The platform focuses on business tools, making it simple for users to access what they need for their businesses. This is great for Vigoplace because it helps businesses save time and be more efficient in managing their accounts and transactions.

Vigoplace's Features and Functionality

Vigoplace has many great tools for different types of businesses. If you have a shop, you can easily create an online store, manage what you have in stock, and make sales right on the platform. If you create content, you can use special tools to make money from your content, engage with your audience, and see how well your content is doing. And if you have properties to rent, you can list them, manage bookings, and talk to potential guests all on Vigoplace. It's like having everything you need in one place, making running your business easier and smoother. Additional features of Vigoplace include:

  • Profile Creation and Customization

A business social media platform allows businesses to create and customize their profiles. This feature enables businesses to showcase their brand identity, products, services, and contact information. Customization options like adding a logo, cover photo, and company description help establish a professional and consistent brand image.

  • Contest Places

This is a feature on Vigoplace that lets users run a free or paid contest on the platform, and request for payout at anytime.

  • Channel Places

This is a feature on Vigoplace that lets content creators sell their contents on Vigoplace.

  • Cashless transaction

Vigoplace supports cashless transaction, they maintained that users can shop with them without using their ATM cards.

  • Marketplace

This is another feature of Vigoplace. In Vigoplace marketplace, you can offer your products añd services for sale.

  • Content Publishing and Sharing

Businesses can publish and share various types of content, such as posts, images, videos, and articles, on the platform. This feature enables businesses to engage with their audience, share valuable information, promote products or services, and build brand awareness.

  • Audience Engagement and Interaction

A business social media platform facilitates direct interaction with the audience through likes, comments, and direct messages. This feature allows businesses to respond to customer inquiries, address concerns, and build meaningful relationships with their followers.

  • Analytics and Insights

Business social media platforms provide analytics and insights on post performance, audience demographics, engagement metrics, and more. This feature allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of their content, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve their social media strategy.

  • Advertising and Promotional Tools

Many business social media platforms offer advertising and promotional tools. Businesses can create targeted ads to reach a specific audience, increase brand visibility, and drive website traffic or sales. This feature helps businesses reach a broader audience and achieve their marketing objectives.

  • E-commerce Integration

Some business social media platforms offer e-commerce integration, allowing businesses to set up online stores and sell products directly on the platform. This feature streamlines the buying process for customers and enhances the overall shopping experience.

  • Group and Community Creation

Business social media platforms often include features to create groups or communities. Businesses can use this feature to form niche communities around specific interests or topics related to their industry. Groups foster engagement, facilitate discussions, and enable businesses to connect with like-minded individuals and potential customers.

In summary, Vigoplace, a business social media platform provides businesses with essential features to build a strong online presence, engage with their audience, analyze performance, run targeted advertising campaigns, and facilitate direct sales. These features collectively help businesses enhance their brand visibility, establish customer relationships, and achieve their marketing and sales goals in the digital landscape.

Vigoplace's Privacy and Security

Vigoplace prioritizes user data privacy and employs robust security measures to protect user information. Through strict data encryption and privacy settings, the platform ensures a safe environment for businesses to conduct transactions and communicate with customers. The developer, Vigoplace Limited, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described in their privacy policy. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Communication and Interaction

The interactive nature of Vigoplace fosters seamless communication between businesses and customers. The platform encourages user engagement through likes, comments, and direct messaging, facilitating direct communication and customer feedback.

Content Sharing and Posting

Vigoplace is great for businesses because it lets them share many different things with customers. They can show their products, share videos to promote their business, write blog posts, and list properties for rent or sale. The platform supports different types of media, making it easy for businesses to display their offerings in a way that attracts customers.

For example, a clothing store can share pictures of their latest collection, a restaurant can post videos of their delicious dishes, a travel agency can write blogs about amazing destinations, and a real estate agent can list properties with photos and descriptions. This variety of content helps businesses engage with their audience and attract more customers, making Vigoplace a valuable tool for their social media marketing strategy.

Advertising and Business Pages

Vigoplace helps businesses advertise and be seen by more people. It has special pages for businesses to show who they are and what they offer. This is good for a business because it helps them reach more customers and make their brand look professional.

For example, a small bakery can use Vigoplace's advertising options to tell people about their delicious cupcakes and attract more customers. They can also create a business page to share their story, show pictures of their yummy treats, and let customers know about their location and opening hours. This way, more people will know about the bakery, and they may even become regular customers.

Similarly, a fashion boutique can use Vigoplace's advertising tools to showcase their latest clothing collections and upcoming sales. With a customized business page, they can display their unique style, introduce their team, and share fashion tips. This will help the boutique attract fashion enthusiasts and build a loyal customer base.

By providing these advertising options and customizable business pages, Vigoplace empowers businesses to connect with their target audience, boost brand recognition, and ultimately grow their customer base. This makes Vigoplace a valuable platform for businesses seeking to expand their reach and succeed in the competitive online market.

Mobile App Experience

The Vigoplace mobile app is easy to use and works well on your phone or tablet. It lets you access all the features while you're on the move. The app runs smoothly, making sure you have a great experience, no matter where you are. You can download the Vigoplace app from the Google playstore or Apple appstore.

Community and Moderation

Vigoplace has a diverse and friendly community where businesses and customers interact in helpful discussions. The platform carefully moderates content, making sure it's positive and safe for everyone. This creates a welcoming and secure space for users. 

Pros and Cons

Explore the pros and cons of Vigoplace, the all-in-one business social media platform. Learn how it empowers businesses while considering potential drawbacks.


  • All-in-one platform catering to diverse businesses.
  • Streamlined user interface for easy navigation.
  • Robust privacy and security features
  • Interactive communication with customers.
  • Extensive content sharing capabilities.
  • Customizable business pages for brand representation.


  • Limited third-party integrations.
  • Platform may take time for mainstream adoption.

Is Vigoplace Worth It?

Vigoplace is definitely worth considering for businesses seeking a comprehensive and efficient social media platform. With its all-in-one approach, interactive communication with customers, and extensive content sharing capabilities, Vigoplace empowers businesses to thrive in the digital landscape. While there may be some limitations like limited third-party integrations and the time it takes for mainstream adoption, the platform's benefits outweigh these drawbacks. Ultimately, Vigoplace offers valuable tools and features that can significantly enhance a business's online presence and success.

Vigoplace Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Vigoplace and their answers:

  • What is Vigoplace about?

Vigoplace integrates all of your personal, business and online interaction needs into one simple user-friendly application.

  • How do I create multiple accounts on Vigoplace?

Once a user has signed up on the platform, they have access to create more places from their profile screen.

  • How do I monetize my Vigoplace account?

Every user who has a wallet on the app can go ahead to create various types of posts such as contests,gifts etc. Users can pay for these posts to be accessible by them..

  • How many subsidiary accounts can I create on one account?

At the moment one can create any number of subsidiary accounts on their main profile..

  • How do I activate a Vigoplace wallet?

You can activate your Vigoplace wallet by visiting the timeline and clicking the icon on the top right. Next, click the plus icon on the top right, select a currency and activate it.

  • How do I turn on/off comments/likes on my Vigoplace post?

You can turn on/off comments/likes on your Vigoplace post by visiting the post and clicking on the hamburger for that post.

  • How do I block other users on Vigoplace?

You can block other users by visiting their profile and clicking on the block button or by going to your list of following/followers, search their names and slide to the right, then click "Block".

  • How do I report a post on Vigoplace?

You can report a post by clicking on the hamburger for that post, select report,enter category and description and submit.

  • How can I create Vigoplace account?

Follow these steps to sign up on Vigoplace


Vigoplace is undeniably a game-changer in the realm of business social media platforms. Its comprehensive set of business tools, combined with user-friendly navigation and robust security measures, make it a top choice for entrepreneurs and businesses. While some improvements could enhance third-party integrations and accelerate mainstream adoption, Vigoplace's potential to revolutionize social media platforms is undeniable. As a user, I highly recommend Vigoplace for businesses seeking a seamless and efficient way to transact within a thriving social media ecosystem.

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