How To Get More ASKfm Coins and Convert Them To Real Bonuses

In my previous article, I wrote elaborately on what is all about, I touched some of the outstanding features of such as coins, anonymous chats, anonymous follow, how to join ASKfm, etc. In this article, I will focus on one of the amazing features of ASKfm social media platform called coin. I will tell you what coin is all about, how to get more ASKfm coins, how to redeem your ASKfm coins into real bonuses, what to use your ASKfm coins for and how to exchange your coin on ASKfm market to buy premium features. 

How To Get More ASKfm Coins and Convert Them To Real Bonuses
I will tell you what coin is all about and how to get more coins

What Are ASKfm Coins?

What is coin all about? coin is a internal currency that users can get on and also use it there. It is a reward you will get as a user for providing top-notch answers to questions people ask on It is also called ASK coin and it looks like a fire (🔥) button. You can find it just below an answer and I will tell you how it works. Read on to discover how to get more ASKfm coins and convert them to real bonuses.

How ASKfm Coin Reward Works

This is how ASKfm coins reward works: 

  • When you or any ASKfm user provides an excellent answer to a particular question on the platform, and the answer is outstanding, other Askfm users who found the answer very useful may like it and send you a coin by pressing the fire button under the answer you wrote. The longer they press the fire button, the more coins they send to you. You will automatically receive your coins in your wallet, which you can see in your dashboard. 

Meanwhile, aside from earning rewards by answering questions, there are other ways to get more coins from, such as watching video Ads, inviting friends to the platform, etc. 

On the other hand, If you particularly like other user’s answer, you can reward it with a coin by a simple tap on the fire button under the answer. Hold the button for a longer time to reward it with more coins. Keep in mind that you can’t return back coins after rewarding an answer. If you are not able to reward any more answers even though you have plenty of coins, don't worry. It seems you have just reached the limit for the day. You have to wait for 24 hours to reward the best answers again! Now let's see how to get more ASKFM coins.

How To Get More Askfm Coins

Like I've already said, ASK coins are internal currency that users can get on ASKfm platform and also use them there. But how do you get many Askfm coins, especially if you are a new user? 

You can get more ASKfm coins in the following ways:

  1. By receiving rewards for answers. The more creative, funny, interesting content you make, the more chances to get rewarded!
  2. By watching video ads, availability may vary.
  3. By buying coins, you can explore offers in EARN page in your wallet. Currently available on mobile apps.
  4. By option “Invite friends”. Availability may vary. 

You will find these options on your profile by clicking on the number of your coins. In EARN page you will see all the options and coins you can earn for each action.

Benefits Of Askfm Coins -  How To Use Them

You may also ask: what’s the benefits of the ASK coins? How do I use coins? Well, after collecting a certain amount of coins, you may exchange them for certain ASKfm benefits. 

Here are some Benefits and Uses of ASK coins:

  • You can use it to purchase premium backgrounds for your ASKfm profile and answers.
  • You can use it to purchase Askfm premium moods.
  • You can use it to tip the best answers you find on ASKfm. Why this? Well, nothing much, just to show appreciation and encourage the user to provide more relevant answers in the future.
  • You can use it to purchase other premium features of Askfm
  • You can exchange the coins at Askfm coin market for other real bonuses.

ASKfm Coin Market

The time has come to exchange your ASK coins for real bonuses? ASKfm Coin Market is a place where you can exchange your coins for additional ASKfm features or useful bonuses from their partners. 

A lot of people have asked when users will be able to redeem Askfm coins and convert it to real money that can be withdrawn into local banks. Well, while we can't tell when this will take place, we are optimistic that developers are looking into that.

However, for now, the coin market lets you transform your activities and your coins into real bonuses, which can be spent on the platform either as tips, or to purchase premium features. Continue collecting ASKFM coins and get real-life rewards! While exchanging your coins, charges your recipients 10 % of the coins they receive, this is called commission.

What Is ASK Commission?

To keep the coins system up and running, similar to banks and application stores, will take a commission from transactions between users. This will allow to develop the economy further. 

This is how it works:

Every transaction which you make with another user (like Rewarding an answer), will take a commission from the receiver.  This means that you still get the full amount of reward to climb in the ranks of Leaderboard, but coins in your wallet will increase without the commission. The commission is 10 % from the transaction and it is rounded down. The commission may vary by country and user activity. 

Alright guys, what are your views on this? Do you think ASKfm coins will have real monetary value where users can withdraw direct to their bank accounts? Let's know what you think as you share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. Also, kindly support us by sharing this article. Thank you so much! 

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