Default Bluesky Handle vs Custom Domain: What You Need to Know for Your Account

Default Bluesky Handle vs Custom Domain: What You Need to Know for Your Account

As a user of the popular social media, Bluesky, you may have noticed that when you sign up for an account, you are given a default handle or username with the domain. While this is a convenient option for those who only need a basic account, many users prefer to have a more professional and personalized look by using a custom domain or linking their own website to their Bluesky account. In this post, we'll go over the differences between using a default Bluesky handle and a custom domain, and why you may want to consider making the change. In addition to our previous article on step-by-step guide on how to set up a custom domain as your Bluesky account, this article will help you take your online presence to the next level.

What is a Default Bluesky Handle

If you're new to Bluesky social, you might be wondering what a Default Bluesky Handle is. Essentially, a Bluesky Handle is a unique identifier that allows you to create and manage your account. When you sign up for a Bluesky account, you're automatically assigned a Default Bluesky Handle. This handle is a combination of your name or username and a series of Bluesky default server name; "", which makes it unique to you. For example, if your name is John Smith, your Default Bluesky Handle might be

See Also: Top 7 Best Nigerian Domain Sellers To Buy Your Bluesky Custom Domain From - Tested and Trusted

The Default Bluesky Handle is what you'll use to log in to your account, and it's what other Bluesky users will use to find and follow you. While the handle is unique and serves its purpose, it may not be the most memorable or user-friendly option. That's where a Custom Domain comes in. This allows you to create a more personalized handle that's easier to remember and promotes your brand. For example, if you're a business owner, you might choose to use your company name as your Bluesky handle. This makes it easier for your potential customers to find and interact with you on the platform. So, while the Default Bluesky Handle is a great starting point for your account, it's worth considering a Custom Domain to make your handle more memorable and appealing to your target audience.

What Are the Limitations of a Default Bluesky Handle?
What Are the Limitations of a Default Bluesky Handle?

Like I've already said, a default Bluesky handle is a unique identifier, assigned by Bluesky, to each account. It is essentially a username that is used to identify your account on the platform. While it is a convenient option, here are some limitations to using a Default Bluesky Handle:

1. Firstly, a Default Bluesky Handle is not very memorable or personalized. It is simply a random combination of letters and numbers. This can make it difficult for your customers and followers to remember and associate with your brand. It can also make it harder for you to stand out amongst other businesses on the platform.

2. Another limitation of a Default Bluesky Handle is that it does not provide any branding opportunities. By using a custom domain, you can incorporate your brand name or a relevant keyword into your handle, which can help to improve your visibility on the platform. A custom domain can also help to establish your brand identity and make your account more professional and credible.

3. Additionally, a Default Bluesky Handle might not likely provide any search engine optimization (SEO) benefits. By using a custom domain, you can include relevant keywords in your handle, which can help to improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your account.

Summarily, while a Default Bluesky Handle is a cheap, quick and convenient option, it does come with its limitations. If you are looking to establish a strong brand presence on the platform and improve your visibility and credibility, it may be worth considering a custom domain for your account. You can check out these top 5 most affordable custom domains you might likely want to use as your Bluesky handle.

Benefits of Using Custom Domain as Bluesky Handle
Benefits of Using Custom Domain as Bluesky Handle

There are several benefits to using a custom domain for your account instead of the default Bluesky handle. Here are some of the benefits of using Custom domains as Bluesky Handle:

1. Improves Your Brand's Visibility

Firstly, it can help to improve your brand's visibility and recognition. With a custom domain, your Bluesky account will be unique and identifiable, making it easier for potential customers to remember and find your account. This can also help to establish your brand as more professional and trustworthy.

2. Improves SEO

Secondly, a custom domain can help to improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO). By using a custom domain that includes relevant keywords and phrases, you may be able to improve your account's ranking in Bluesky search engine results pages, which can drive more traffic to your profile and increase your visibility.

3. Full Control

Another benefit of using a custom domain is that it allows you to have greater control over your website's functionality and design. With a default Bluesky handle, you may be limited in terms of what you can do with your account, whereas a custom domain gives you the freedom to create an account that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

4. Protects Your Brand

Finally, using a custom domain can help to protect your brand and intellectual property. By registering your domain name, you can prevent others from using it and potentially damaging your brand's reputation. This can also help to prevent cases of cybersquatting, where individuals or companies register domain names that are similar to established brands in an attempt to profit from them.

Bluesky Custom Domain Verification - Steps To Verify your Bluesky Handle
Bluesky Custom Domain Verification - Steps To Verify your Bluesky Handle

Verifying a custom domain for your Bluesky account is a straightforward process, but it does require some technical know-how. Here are the steps to follow to verify your Bluesky custom domain:

1. Choose a domain name: 

First, you need to choose a domain name that you want to use for your account. This could be your business name, a keyword related to your industry, or anything else that is relevant to your brand. To get started, read our complete guide on how to choose a perfect custom domain as your Bluesky handle.

2. Purchase your domain:

Once you have chosen your domain name, you need to purchase it from a trusted domain seller or registrar. There are many reputable companies that offer domain registration services, such as Bluehost, GoDaddy, Namecheap, Google Domains, etc. For Nigerians, you could consider buying your Bluesky custom domain from any of these top Nigerian domain name sellers.

3. Configure your DNS settings:

After purchasing your domain, you need to configure the DNS settings to point to your Bluesky account. This involves creating a CNAME record that points to your Bluesky handle. To get started, read and follow our step by step guide on How to Set-up and Verify Bluesky Custom Domain

4. Bluesky Custom Domain Verification

Once you have configured your DNS settings on your Bluesky dashboard, (see how to do it here), you need to verify your domain in your Bluesky account. This involves adding a TXT record to your DNS settings with a verification code provided by Bluesky as you can see in the screenshot above. Then click on the "Verify DNS Record" button. That's it, congratulations, you have successfully verified your Bluesky custom domain, check back in a few minutes to see if the change will reflect on your Bluesky account. Take a look at how your verified Bluesky handle will look like below, (i.e if the Bluesky custom domain verification process was successful). This is a verified Bluesky custom domain handle of Vercel. After following our guide on this blog and doing exactly as we say, the default handle was successfully changed from to

verified custom domain of Vercel

5. Enable SSL: 

Finally, you need to enable SSL for your custom domain to ensure that your Bluesky account is secure. You can enable SSL through your domain registrar or through a third-party SSL provider.

In summary, setting up a custom domain for your Bluesky account is a relatively simple process that can greatly enhance your brand's online presence. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Bluesky account is easily accessible to your potential followers and that they can find you online with ease.

What are the Steps to Switch from a Default Bluesky Handle to a Custom Domain?

This is the same thing as we have already discussed above. But for the sake of those who did not get out first explanation well, we are going to throw more light again. Now pay attention, if you've decided to switch from a Default Bluesky Handle to a Custom Domain, the process is quite straightforward. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Choose a Custom Domain

The first step is to choose a custom domain and purchase the desired domain from a trusted registrar like Bluehost, Web4Africa, Whogohost, GoDaddy, Namecheap, Google Domains, Domainking, etc. There are many domain registrars to choose from.

2. Set up your domain

Once you've purchased your domain, you'll need to set it up to work with your Bluesky account. This will involve configuring your DNS settings. I have already provided a detailed instruction on how to do this, which you can find here

3. Verify your domain

After you've set up your domain, you'll need to verify it with Bluesky. This is to confirm that you own the domain and have the right to use it. You can do this by adding a TXT record to your DNS settings.

4. Set up SSL

To ensure that your website is secure, you'll need to set up SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for your domain. Bluesky provides a free SSL certificate that you can use.

5. Update your links

Once you've completed the above steps, you'll need to update any links that point to your old Bluesky Handle to your new Custom Domain. This includes links in your email signature, social media profiles, and any other online presence.

By following these steps, you'll be able to switch from a Default Bluesky Handle to a Custom Domain and have a more professional online presence.

How to Create a Custom Email Address with your Domain

Creating a custom email address with your domain is an excellent way to enhance your brand and build trust with your customers. It is a professional and memorable way to communicate with your customers, partners, and other stakeholders. Here are the steps you can follow to create a custom email address with your domain:

1. Choose an email provider

There are many email providers available, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Neo, HubSpot, Aweber, Proton Email, Outlook, etc, but you want to choose one that integrates with your domain. Some popular options include Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and Zoho Mail.

2. Set up your account 

Once you have chosen your email provider, you need to set up an account. This will usually involve choosing a plan, entering your payment details, and verifying your domain.

3. Create your custom email address

Once you have set up your account, you can create your custom email address. This will usually involve choosing a username and setting up your email preferences.

4. Configure your settings

Once your email address is set up, you will need to configure your settings. This may include setting up filters, creating signatures, and customizing your inbox.

Overall, creating a custom email address with your domain is a great way to build your brand and establish a professional online presence. It's a simple process that can have a big impact on your business.

The Importance of Branding With a Custom Domain Email Address

When it comes to email addresses, many people may not consider the importance of branding. However, it's crucial for businesses to have a custom domain email address as it helps to establish credibility and build brand recognition.

Using a default Bluesky handle may seem like the easy and free option, but it can make your business appear unprofessional and untrustworthy to potential customers.

A custom domain email address, on the other hand, reinforces your brand identity and adds a level of professionalism. It also helps customers remember your company name and creates a sense of trust and legitimacy. In addition, having a custom domain email address can make it easier for customers to find and contact you online, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Overall, investing in a custom domain email address is a simple and effective way to improve your branding and make your business stand out from the competition.

How to Ensure Email Deliverability With a Custom Domain

Having a custom domain for your email address not only looks more professional, but it can also improve your email deliverability. This means that your emails are more likely to land in your customer's inbox instead of their spam folder.

When you use a default Bluesky handle for your email, it may signal to email providers that you are not a legitimate sender. This is because spammers often use default email handles for their campaigns.

However, when you use a custom domain for your email, it signals to email providers that you are a legitimate sender and can improve your email deliverability.

To ensure email deliverability with a custom domain, there are a few best practices you should follow. 

1. First, make sure your domain is set up properly with the correct DNS records. This will ensure that your emails are authenticated and verified as coming from your domain.

2. Next, you should monitor your email deliverability metrics, such as your open rates and bounce rates. This will give you an idea of how well your emails are being received by your customers.

3. Finally, make sure you are following email marketing best practices, such as not sending too many emails too frequently, using a clear subject line, and providing value in your emails.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your emails are being delivered to your customers' inboxes and not getting lost in their spam folders.

Pros and Cons of Using a Default Bluesky Handle vs  Custom Domain

When creating an account on Bluesky, you have the option to use the default Bluesky handle ( or a custom domain. Here are some pros and cons to consider for each option:

Pros of Using Default Bluesky Handle:

  • Quick and easy setup
  • No extra cost
  • Consistent branding across all Bluesky users.

Cons of Using Default Bluesky Handle:

  • May not be as memorable or professional as a custom domain
  • Cannot be used for email addresses
  • Limited customization options

Pros of Using Bluesky Custom Domain:

  • More professional and memorable
  • Can be used for email addresses
  • More customization options

Cons of Using Bluesky Custom Domain:

  • More expensive (you need to purchase a domain and hosting)
  • Requires additional setup time and technical knowledge
  • May require additional maintenance and security measures

Ultimately, the decision between a default Bluesky handle and a custom domain depends on your personal preferences and needs. If you are just starting out or have a limited budget, a  default Bluesky handle may be the better option. However, if you want a more professional and customizable online presence, a custom domain may be worth the investment.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between a default Bluesky handle and a custom domain for your account, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and goals. If branding and professionalism are a top priority for your business, then a custom domain may be the way to go. It not only allows you to create a unique online presence but also helps build trust with your audience. However, if you're just starting out and don't have the budget for a custom domain, the default Bluesky handle is a great option to get started with. It's easy to set up and provides a solid foundation for building your online presence.

Regardless of which option you choose, it's important to focus on creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience to build a strong and loyal following. With the right strategy and consistent effort, your Bluesky account can become a powerful tool for growing your brand and reaching new customers.

We hope that our article on Default Bluesky Handle vs Custom Domain has helped clarify the differences between the two options. While the default Bluesky handle may be suitable for some, a custom domain can provide a more professional look and better branding opportunities for others. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to your needs and preferences. Consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision. Thanks for reading, and we hope that this information helps you make the best choice for your Bluesky account! Dear esteemed readers, what are your views on this? Kindly share your thoughts and comments with us below. 

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